I have shared many memories here on It’s Just Life over the years. One of the things that I have the great fortune of having possession of is a huge tote filled with pictures and documents from my parents. Actually it is two totes and Continue reading →
A Year of Firsts
It is a year of firsts in many ways. I have been thinking about that a lot these days. It is the first Mother’s Day for our daughter in law, Wendy, and one that will be the first of many with sweet Baby Theo. I Continue reading →
A Tiny Little Bunny
Grief is a funny thing. It slips up on me just when I least expect it but I think that is pretty typical. You just have to go with it. Chris and I are at the beach this week for a very Covid safe get Continue reading →
A Bright Spot in a Pandemic
Everyone told me that I would never be the same after becoming a grandparent. “Everyone” was correct. This past weekend we finally met our adorable grandson, Theo. It took us 3 months, negative covid testing and isolating after the negative test and a great deal Continue reading →
A Honeymoon Preview
It’s been three weeks since my mom passed away and while it is still so difficult to believe I am getting stronger and better at dealing with the grief and sadness. It’s just hard. Anyone who has lost a parent understands. Anyone that has lost Continue reading →
The End of the Journey
My sweet mother ended her life journey here on earth on Christmas Day at 3:27 pm. When I got the news I reacted with quite a variety of emotions. Tears, of course, because I will miss her every single day. Relief that her body is Continue reading →
Happy Birthday, Mr. Diamond!
It’s not quite the celebration I had wanted for Chris’ birthday today but even if it is a small one for two it will be happy. Birthdays come and go and I am very happy to celebrate with him today. Join me today in wishing Continue reading →
Christmas Cards from the Heart
I inherited my love of making greeting cards from my mom. From 1951 when my parents got married until 2015 she kept the tradition of making handmade Christmas cards to send to friends and loved ones alive. At times their mailing list exceeded 200 people Continue reading →
Christmas Past
I am feeling nostalgic today and perhaps it is the upcoming holiday season that is prompting that feeling. Whatever it is I had a little trip down memory lane as I found some pictures that made me smile. Growing up we always seemed to have Continue reading →
The Difficult Journey Continues
Life is just a little bit more difficult today. For my family it is because my mom is slipping both physically and mentally. The dementia that she has struggled with for years is raging and her cognitive abilities are really diminished. Her physical health has Continue reading →