A final repost in memory of our Carlton — originally published on February 28, 2013 and entitled “Candy Wrappers, Napkins and Banana Peels” Life with an adult with Down Syndrome is interesting. I always thought I knew my brother in law, Carlton, but until I Continue reading →
A Well Lived Life -3
First published on It’s Just Life on February 26, 2016 entitled “Crossroads” We are at a crossroads of sorts. Developmental Disabilities. Down Syndrome. Alzheimer’s Disease. All three of these things describe my brother in law, Carlton, whom I have written about before here on It’s Continue reading →
A Life Well Lived – 2
A repost of a post I published on March 21st, 2013 entitled “A Special Day for a Special Guy”. Today is a special day! It is World Down Syndrome Day 2013 and today I celebrate my brother in law, Carlton! Carlton is such a Continue reading →
A Life Well Lived – 1
Remembering Carlton this week. My post from June 10, 2013 entitled “He Had Fun Despite the Snack Deficit” . We all have routines. Some more than others. This weekend was further evidence to me of how much patience my sister in law has and Continue reading →
The Difference One Life Can Make
I have often said that one person can make a huge difference in the world and I am not alone in that thinking. It is not an original thought or phrase but this past week I came to see first hand just how true that Continue reading →
Happiness In One Picture
They say a picture speaks 1000 words and in this case I have to agree. What makes me happiest? Time with my family. When we were fortunate enough to have two boys in our 20’s I was the happy mama who was able to stay Continue reading →
Birthday Blessings to Mr. Diamond
Happy birthday to my one and only, my Superman, my hero, my cheerleader, my comedian, my supporter, my compass and my love. Best of birthdays to you, my love. Continue reading →
Fishing : A Father Son Adventure Makes Memories
My men went fishing this past weekend. It was the First Annual Father Son Fishing Trip. I can no l longer call them boys. They are full grown bearded men as you will see in my pictures. The trip was a birthday present from the Continue reading →
A Trip to the Big Apple – Apple Picking at Barton Orchards
A trip to New York City is always exciting for me. Visiting our son and daughter in law is at the top of my list of favorite things. I should definitely add it to my list of things that make me happy that I wrote Continue reading →
Sit Back and Relax! Chrisisms Are Back!!!!
Chrisisms are these witty little phrases that my beloved Mr. Diamond utters from time to time. He has been a little off his game these days and hasn’t been as prolific as normal but I do have a few to offer up to entertain my Continue reading →