The times they are a changing. That may not be great English but it speaks to what is going on in our lives. Several of you have asked me recently about Chris’s brother, Carlton, and how he is doing. I have not shared a lot Continue reading →
Happy Birthday, Mr. Diamond!
Happy Birthday to my Mr. Diamond. It’s very hard for me to believe that I have known this man for 39 years and have celebrated 38 birthdays with him. It’s a funny thing sometimes when you are married to your best friend. You see sides Continue reading →
Weekend Recap? Here You Go!
A quick post today to share just a few photos of what was going on with me this weekend. Lots of family time which makes my heart so happy. First up—I did Meals on Wheels with Aaron. His company, Cisco, encourages community service and actually Continue reading →
All We Have Are Memories, Photos and Blisters
This will be short and sweet. We are back. Our feet hit Raleigh soil around 2:30 pm on Sunday. Our whirlwind 2 weeks in Europe was amazing. Simply magical and amazing. The wedding was wonderful. There are no words. Micah and Wendy worked so hard Continue reading →
Laughter: The Best Medicine
Laughter truly can be the best medicine. My mom has had quite a year and she will tell you if you visit her that it has not been easy. A failing hip led to a move from an independent living house to an independent apartment Continue reading →
The Seasons of Motherhood
With Mother’s Day approaching all of the focus typically turns to mothers and their impact on our lives. Gift ideas start popping up in newsfeeds and the race is on to find that one perfect gift for that special mom. Regardless of your relationship with Continue reading →
A Heart Full of Memories
My niece Carla is a pretty amazing young lady. Not only is she a skilled and compassionate licensed counselor in the schools she also manages to be a pretty amazing wife and mother to my great niece Harper. In between working, taking care of the Continue reading →
The Mouse in the House …Apartment
I have had the privilege of spending some great time with my mom over the past few weeks as she recovers from her hip replacement surgery. I have been staying in her apartment and have managed to get a few things straightened up and cleaned Continue reading →
Birds, Mail, Snow, Singing and Planting Seeds
Coming to you live from Sebring, Ohio where I am keeping mom company as she heals from her hip replacement surgery. She is fortunate to be able to be in the rehabilitation center that is connected to Copeland Oaks – the retirement community where she Continue reading →