I have had a lot of time to think and read this week and it has been good. Not that I don’t think every day—I promise I do even if my blog posts don’t always give evidence of that! I have always believed that we Continue reading →
You Can!
There are a lot of amazing stories out there. And there are a lot of amazing people. I have come across quite a few in my life and am grateful for the chance to sometimes see life in a different light. I ran across this Continue reading →
The Results Are In!!!
This month I promised to make a donation to the National Parkinson Foundation for every legitimate comment made on my blog during the month of April. By legitimate I mean from real people and not spammers!!! There are a lot of those out there in Continue reading →
Bloggy Love
When I started this blog I didn’t really know what I was getting into. I really didn’t. I underestimated how much it would come to mean to me and how much I look forward to posting and more importantly how much I love comments!!! I Continue reading →
Chocolate, Ambulance Rides, Scents, Coffee and Tea, Please!
Meet Me on Monday Blog Hop 1. If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? That is really a tough question!!!! One food???? I guess it would have to be…..wait for it……chocolate. I love chocolate. Continue reading →
Embrace, Hope, Generosity
Way back in January I decided to pick three words that would be my theme words for the year. I think I needed to be reminded today of what those words and actions are so I am going to share them again with you. It Continue reading →
Three Things I Love !
This combines several things that I love. Hospice, animals/pets and the United Methodist Church. All working together to make life and death a little easier for loved ones. What a great video and a great idea. Continue reading →
To Give or Not to Give
That is the question. To give or not to give. Yesterday as I was tooling around town I happened upon a gentleman at a stoplight by a pretty busy area where there are plenty of stores. He had a cardboard sign. The usual plea for Continue reading →
A lot happened while I slept last night—sad stuff and I wish it hadn’t happened. The largest earthquake to hit Japan in recorded history occurred and now the threat of aftershocks and tsunamis in Hawaii and the west coast. The Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake was Continue reading →
Sacrifice or Service?
Last night I went to church and got the imposition of ashes on my forehead. For some reason this is one worship service that I just will not miss every year if possible. Last night’s service was presented to us by our confirmation class and Continue reading →