It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. I haven’t decorated yet but it’s coming. I always wait until after Thanksgiving to decorate and this year it may not happen until the weekend due to quite a few other commitments. I am fine with that. I really am. I love decorating for the holiday but I am not going to be all stressed out with deadlines.
I found a new little gem at a local thrift shop (my favorite shopping place these days) for only $3. I loved it and it made me smile to know that I could add it to my Christmas collection.

There is something about a poinsettia teapot that catches my eye. Perhaps that is why I have 5 in my collection that sport this lovely Christmas flower. With cats in the house I don’t risk having a live plant but having it on teapots is okay.
Are you getting in the mood? I am getting there. Chris and I are in our Connestee Chorale and our holiday concerts are this weekend so once those are over I will happily deck the halls.