Hey there, friends! Happy 2024! It’s been awhile and here I am back with the first Comments for a Cause for the year. It’s pretty exciting to be starting a new year with a lot of possibilities ahead and today I am thrilled to be back blogging for another year. This March will mark my 16th year of blogging and while I don’t always have the greatest blog posts, let me tell you, blogging has been a really good discipline for me. Plus it is a diary and when I start questioning my memory (which does happen) I just have to search the blog and usually I can recreate a timeline and recover a memory. That is important some days.
Comments for a Cause for December 2023 was Sharing House –my favorite non profit to support locally in Transylvania County. I have come to love all of the talented and caring staff as well as the neighbors that I have come in contact with that are served. Sharing House is the main crisis assistance center in our county and helps with basic needs as well as empowerment programs and goes above and beyond in every way that they can. I just finished volunteering with one of the special projects programs, Christmas Blessings, where local families are able to shop for Christmas presents for their children thanks to the generosity of the community. Over 1000 children were “blessed” this year and the volunteers that help Special Projects Manager, Lynn Traub, are thrilled to be a part of this program. There is joy everywhere during this time of the year.
This month I am thrilled to share that due to comments on the blog during December, Chris and I made a donation of $100 and then added a bit extra as it was our family charity for Christmas. I know that so many of my local friends donate items, money and time to Sharing House and I was thrilled that our family charity was Sharing House so our sons and wives made donations this December as well. All these donations make a huge difference and I am grateful to each one of your who has commented so faithfully.
I am happy to share that our January 2024 Comments for a Cause will be The Family Place with locations in Brevard and Rosman, North Carolina. It’s funny how I have heard of this organization, know some board members and yet never took the time to highlight this great organization that does a lot for our county.

The Family Place exists to support families in Transylvania County by providing learning experiences within the family environment, the community, and among peers. Through positive parenting education and adult/child interactive opportunities, we provide resources to help families grow and strengthen relationships, encourage nurturing and emotional support within the home, and assist the development of social and emotional health.
I was reminded of their services when Chris and I attended a fundraising event at Deerwoode Reserve in December. The Festival of Lights was a great way to enjoy some great Christmas decorations and entertainment and support a great cause at the same time.
The Family Place offers some great events and programs that support families in Transylvania County in a variety of ways. What a great place to have for our local families to utilize. I am thrilled to highlight them in January and hope that you will take the time to check out their various social media links at the end of this post.
For every comment on any post during January 2024, Chris and I will donate 50 cents to The Family Place to help with their continued mission. As always, thank you for taking the time to stop by and read. I really do appreciate it. Happy New Year!