February 1, 2024 is here whether we are ready for it or not. I don’t know about you but whew- I am just trying to catch my breath from the holidays and here it is February already. But what the heck – here we go full force into February and it is time to share our latest results from Comments for a Cause and our cause for February.
Our recipient for the past month was Transylvania County’s The Family Place. This great organization in our county here in western North Carolina serves area families in a variety of ways. The Family Place strengthens families and builds resiliency through support, education, and community building. It truly is a necessary part of the fabric of our community and they are one of the best resources in the county for families. Through positive parenting education and adult/child interactive opportunities, The Family Place provides resources to help families grow and strengthen relationships, encourage nurturing and emotional support within the home, and assist the development of social and emotional health.
Now that is a win win in my book and I am happy to report that Chris and I will be making a small donation of $75 to help support their work in our county. Even if the gifts that they receive may be small, they all add up and make a difference. Thank you to all who have read and commented and supported Comments for a Cause here on the blog.
Brevard is home to music of all kinds. On any given day, there are multiple options for residents to hear really fabulous music. From breweries to restaurants and bars, to exciting venues like the Porter Center at Brevard College to the Brevard Music Center campus, there are many opportunities to hear all kinds of music.
At Christmas last year, Chris and I went to hear the Brevard Philharmonic with the Transylvania Choral Society in concert. It was the first time we had done it and definitely will not be the last. The Philharmonic holds a variety of concerts throughout the year with different selections. Each concert is bound to please the listeners and I am anxious to see which ones we will be able to attend this year.
Not only does the Philharmonic make beautiful music for its patrons to enjoy, it also provides a valuable service within the schools in the county. Their Music in the Schools programs has provided over 100 instruments to local students. They also actively seek donations of instruments no longer in use to be refurbished and donated which is a pretty amazing thing. I don’t know if you have bought an instrument later but they are pricey. What a gift some of these students will be able to receive due to the donations of generous folks. Their Meet the Orchestra is a program for kindergarten students to introduce them to four different instrument groups. It’s an amazing way to introduce children at a young age to the magic of music.
So in February, let’s focus on the love of music and how it can change lives in a multitude of ways. How many of my readers played an instrument at some time in their life? Let me know in the comments, please. Also please feel free to click on the links below to learn. more about The Brevard Philharmonic and thank you. For each and every comment made on the blog during February, Chris and I will make a 50 cent donation to The Brevard Philharmonic Music in the Schools program.