Date Night at the Bookstore was fantastic. It’s funny how simple things can bring so much happiness but a night at the bookstore (Highland Books) is the perfect date night. Add in a couple of fun activities and it makes it even better. Leslie and her booksellers made the perfect Valentine’s night date .
First up was a scavenger hunt where we each found books for each category.
I took pics of the books I selected and they are as follows.
Book set in a place I want to live.
One of my favorite books. This is one I read very recently and actually posted about it earlier here.
Next up a book that reminds me of Chris.
This one was easy – – a book I loved as a child.
How about a book title that describes me. Hidden on shelves, in baskets, in closets, etc.
Finally, a book that I Have been procrastinating reading. This one seems a bit overwhelming but I now I should read it.
One of the other activities was to do black out poetry. You are provided with a page from a book and you black out words until you get some sort of poem that you are happy with. Chris did a great job with his but mine was kind of lame.

What a fun night. Thanks to Highland Books for providing such a great event for young and old alike.