Everyone loves Hershey’s kisses, right? So why would I not love having a Hershey’s Kisses Anniversary teapot in my collection? 100 years of Hershey’s Kisses in 2007 and this commemorative teapot was made to honor that special date.

When I did a little bit of online searching I discovered that there is actually a tray and two cups that go with the teapot but I was not able to track any down. So I don’t have the complete set but still –isn’t it an amazing teapot?

When all is complete deep in the teapot, when tea, mint, and sugar have completely diffused throughout the water, coloring and saturating it…then a glass will be filled and poured back into the mixture, blending it further. The comes waiting. Motionless waiting. Finally, from high up, like some green cataract whose sight and sound mesmerize, the tea will once again cascade into a glass. Now it can be drunk, dreamily, forehead bowed, fingers held wide away from the scalding glass. Simon Jacquemard
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