So is anyone else tired of all of these horrible storms???? Raise your hand. Yep—-I am right there with you!!! Good golly it has been crazy weather as of late.
It is hard to write an upbeat post when there have been such horrific storms all over the place. How can I not feel torn up inside when I watch the news coverage of the tornadoes in the south. Last week it was worrying about my son in Raleigh with the storms that were there. It just seems that the weather is getting more and more devastating and I guess that is part of spring but I could most definitely do without it.
Last night I woke after about an hour to the sounds of sirens going off all over–the tornado sirens. So I hustled my brother in law to the basement and monitored the radar from there for awhile. Quality time—I think not. 🙂 I was not at my best! And quite frankly, neither was Carlton!! He kind of likes his routine and that was NOT part of his routine!!! So we chilled out for awhile and he relived his childhood memories by showing me the 8 track player he used to listen to Dionne Warwick on. And when I say listen I really mean blasting at 100 zillion decibels to ensure that the entire street could share in the joy of Dionne. He also found some stuffed animals and games that he used to play back in the day. What fun, huh? Well, if I had not been bleary eyed it might have been a tad more fun for both of us. After an hour or so we came back upstairs and of course about an hour later that is when the storm really started to kick up. Ugh. Wind like crazy. Pelting rain against the windows.
This morning the sun is out and the garbage is strewn all over the front lawn. We lost a strip of siding but I think we came through it pretty unscathed. The finches are building a nest in the hanging baskets on the front porch so now I will be probably playing Angry Birds every time I leave the house.
It is windy and wild but I still have a roof over my head and family and friends to love so I am counting myself very blessed today. Enjoy YOUR day!