Hilary has been doing this Follow Friday Fill in Blog Hop for 1 whole year!!!! I joined in on March 17th last year–I just went back and checked, so I have been doing it for all but 2 weeks!!! And that means that I have “known” Hilary for almost a year now!!!! The great thing about Hilary is not only is she a cat lover (go Alex!) she is genuinely a nice person!!! So hop on over to Feeling Beachie and pick up the linky, answer the questions and show her some comment love!!!
1. If I could meet one person living or dead, I would want to meetMother Teresa. I would love to have an hour with her.
2. I find it hard to let go of friendships that maybe have run their course. I feel like a friendship lost is one that should have been nurtured more even though there are relationships that most definitely do run their course.
3. The last time Chris and and I had a weekend getaway then he messed up his back and it was not the fun weekend we had planned. Sad face.
4. Where are the birds when the cats are here? I am still trying to lure the birds back to the feeders after I was gone for 6 months. They are coming but not in droves and they always provided entertainment for the kitties!!!