Who doesn’t love a teapot that has character? This cute turtle teapot was one I picked up at the gift shop at Brookgreen Gardens.

Of course I had to stop in the gift shop on the way out of the gardens and see what they had. They had a pretty extensive tea and teapot section to my delight and this little guy was one of the cutest ones.

When I checked out the ladies were oohing and ahhing over how adorable my teapot was and remarked that they had just put him out the day before. Lucky me.

He has personality plus.

His head is the lid and the spout is one of the cute cattails.

Seriously, look at that expression. I fell in love with him as you can imagine and he now joins a few of my more whimsical teapots.
Do you like him? Let me know in the comments and Comment for a Cause for El Centro.
“When you go out hunting wicked spirits, it’s the simple things that matter most. The silvered point of your rapier flashing in the dark; the iron filings scattered on the floor; the sealed canisters of best Greek Fire, ready as a last resort…
But tea bags, brown and fresh and plenty of them, and made (for preference) by Pitkin Brothers of Bond Street, are perhaps the simplest and best of all.
OK, they may not save your life like a sword-tip or an iron circle can, and they haven’t the protective power of a sudden wall of fire. But they do provide something just as vital. They help keep you sane.”
― Jonathan Stroud, The Screaming Staircase