Yesterday I shared a few things from some scrapbooks that my Mother kept. It is fun to look at some of these old things and see what was important enough for her to keep. One such thing is this thank you note for a program that she apparently presented for some seminary wives at Drew University in 1951.
Leisure time and extracurricular activities must have been her topic and it amused me to read this thank you. They were sincere and and complimentary and how wonderful that must have been for a very young, new teacher. I am sure she felt encouraged and supported. I am not sure that teachers today feel those same emotions with all that they have to deal with.
Teaching was my mom’s joy and passion and she loved her students, even the ones who drove her a little batty at times. She was a good teacher. One year she had my brother Mark in her class (we lived in a very small town) and when one of his friends came to one of his birthday parties he wondered why Mrs. Brown was there. He never knew that my mom was teaching her own son. So I guess that tells you that she was a fair teacher, right?
So here’s to teachers. All of them. From the daycare teachers to the university professors who help impart knowledge and wisdom. We could not do it without you. Thank you.