I was given a free copy of Murder Book by Frank F. Weber for review purposes. The review and all of the opinions in the review are 100% my own.
I love to review books and when Audrey at Minnesota Prairie Roots posted her review of Minnesota author Frank F. Weber’s book on her blog (read that here) I commented that I really would love to read that book because her review was so enticing. Leave it to Audrey to hook me up and a few short weeks later I had a copy in my own hands to review and I am so grateful to both Audrey and the author for providing me with a free copy.
Mysteries are always a great book in my opinion and when the extra elements are added in by an expert in the field it adds another dimension to a book. Frank. F. Weber is a forensic psychologist and has created a book that draws on his professional background and includes his expertise on sexual assault, homicide and physical assault . This was not a hastily thrown together manuscript and I appreciated the details that he included that made the novel so informative as well as entertaining.
I posted my review on Goodreads and Amazon but am posting it below as well. There are no spoilers so read on.
What happens when an investigator with the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension sees similarities in a new case and in one that happened years before in his Minnesota hometown? In the case of Jon Frederick he stealthily reopens the old case and tries to tie the two together. What results is an engaging and thoroughly entertaining story with enough twists and turns to keep any reader interested.
Frank F. Weber is an author who knows how to use his background as a forensic psychologist to give the right slant to this novel that details homicides both past and present. Add in his amazing ability to flesh out the characters that the reader finds and this book was an amazing example of fiction at its best.
I was given a free copy of Murder Book for review purposes and often when I receive copies like this they are less than great literature. Murder Book definitely does not fit into that category as I found myself wanting to just sit and read the entire book in one sitting. That is the pull of Frank F. Weber and the quality of his writing is superb in my opinion.
Main characters, Jon Frederick, Serena Bell, and Panthera ( the criminal) are presented in real and three dimensional ways. While I found myself getting upset at times at the deceit and betrayals that permeated the story line I also understood what an important part of the story these events were. The ending of the book tied the entire journey together in a nice way and I did not feel like I was left wondering “What if?”.
Homicide, deceit, betrayal, relationships, and even a bit of mental illness are all included in this complex novel. It is definitely not a piece of fluff and I was thrilled to have the chance to read such a well thought out and executed story. If you are a lover of good writing, of mysteries and need a good book to add to your to read this I would highly recommend Murder Book.
Are you intrigued? Want to read more? If you are interested in a copy of your own you can buy one on Amazon by clicking here. It is available in both paperback and Kindle format and is published by North Star Press.

Author Frank F. Weber–all photos taken from physical copy of the book.
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