We are really blessed to live where we live. We have a nice series of trails within our community that our trail stewards maintain really well. We have not been on every trail but recently we checked out another one that was pretty amazing.

Right now the Mountain Laurels are blooming up a storm and this trail has plenty of them to enjoy along the way.
The reason we wanted to go on this particular trail was because it is famous for having a nice section with Flame Azaleas. We managed to see some but they were definitely at the end of their blooming season so next year we need to hit this trail a little bit earlier.
There are so many great things growing in the forest and one of my favorites are all of the fungi.
It’s always fun to find tracks and we are pretty sure this is from one of our many black bears that live in our little community with us.
One of the prettiest places is this little overlook. It is just a really beautiful spot, don’t you think?
Thanks for coming along on our hike today. It was fun to have company. Leave me a comment and don’t forget to Comment for a Cause for Jubilee Partners.