In the words of Britney Spears – “Oops, I did it again!”. Funny thing is I didn’t plan on it.
The other day Chris and I headed to town to mail packages and grab lunch. We ran our errands, ate our lunch and since we were right next to Highland Books I told him I wanted to pop in just to see what was happening. I wasn’t going to buy anything.
He kind of just looked at me.
And then I saw this book.
I admit that I do judge a book by its cover and this one drew me in. I loved it. And then I read the description and I was hooked.
So yes— I bought a copy, promptly went home and read the entire book by evening. It was wonderful. My review below:
It’s been awhile since I have picked out a book at a bookstore in the morning and spent the entire day reading it in its entirety but today was the day and this was the book. Author Jonathan Evison captured my heart with his writing, his characters, his perfect story of a portrait of a marriage. What a perfect book.
No marriage is perfect –there are ups and downs, ebbs and flows and this beautifully written book captured the realness of marriage so well that it could have been my marriage. While my marriage is much different than the marriage of Abe and Ruth, I could so identify with so many of the stages that they went through and the realness of the story was what got to my heart.
Evison’s writing style is wonderful and I loved his use of the English language, stretching me at times to look a word up that was foreign to me and yet weaving a story so beautifully simple and loving. I just can’t stop thinking about this book and will keep it in my heart long after the tears have dried.
It does have some difficult topics so care must be taken if the reader is in a fragile state but it gave this reader a wonderful day of escape and appreciation for her own marriage.
It’s a new release and my first book to read by this author. I am definitely going to look up more of his books but I was just so enamored with this book. I think it is going to be one of my favorites of 2025 and I already read it so I am ahead of the game. Have you read this one yet?