patch-work/. ‘paCH,werk/
a thing composed of many different elements so as to appear variegated
Currently our house is a patchwork.
We have been trying for about 6 months to get the house and garage painted. Everything seems to take time these days.
Painter committed to other jobs.
Painter lost his employee and needs another to help with the job.
Finally last week it got started. As I look out today the lower part of the garage and house are painted.
There is still quite a bit to do. All the other house and garage parts AND all of the trim which is extensive.
So now our house and garage look like a patchwork. Garage doors need painted. Upper level needs painted. Trim all needs painted.

Patchwork is okay but not when it comes to our house. I am ready to have it done. It’s been difficult for me to be patient but when you have no other choice you go with it.
Of course seeing my “patchworky” house makes me think about how our lives are very similar. We have bits and pieces of things that comprise our lives, don’t we? We are all made up of experiences, people we have met, places we have been, things that have moved and touched us and each and every one of these things shapes us into who we are today. I find that to be a wonderful thing.
If your are like me you will rejoice when your patchwork of a life gives you insight into why you are who you are. I am the person I am today because of the patchwork of experiences I have been gifted with over the years.
So maybe, just maybe, I need to have little bit more patience with the patchwork going on outside on my garage and my house and remember that we are all works in progress.
What about you? Are you a patchwork? Let me know in the comments and remember to Comment for a Cause for Transylvania Habitat for Humanity.