You know what??? Life is about the same anywhere you go. People live out their daily lives and do the same things that you and I do pretty much regardless of location. Sure, the actual activities may differ slightly, but over all—yep–we are all the same deep down.
The country (the US, that is) is in the midst of a huge heat wave. I am in Canada with the hubby this week and it is really hot here, too. I melted a little bit today. I went for a walk to the Walmart which is fairly close and by the time I crossed the horribly busy highway–fearing for my life in the scant 10 seconds they give you to cross—I was a sweatball. I could have exaggerated a bit on the time but it sure seems like I stepped off the curb (or kerb) and the warning hand showed up on the sign! But anyway, I digress.
But I forgot—before I even made it out of the parking lot there were sirens and screaming trucks and they pulled into the conference center that is attached to the hotel we are at. Whew. Close call. Glad it was not me they were coming for!
Once I made it into Wally World there seemed to be a ruckus going on. I was in the scrapbooking aisle–(where else)—and a woman and her two daughters were looking at stickers along with me. A loud noise seemed to be coming from somewhere close to us and the lady commented “We are in the ghetto!” I laughed and she said that this store was always like this–just kind of crazy. Of course we started to talk and she told me she was originally from New Jersey and she felt like she was back there at times! Haha! No slam to any of my New Jersey friends but I think she was referring to the loudness of the ruckus going on . Come to find out it was an employee…
Coming out of the store I was witness to a fender bender in the parking lot–of course I was. I saw it happening—you know–that slllllloooooowwwwww moootttiiiooooonnnnnnn scenario where you just want to yell at someone to stop but you are too far away. Two black cars backing out and crash, pow, bam. Contact!!! The little old man got out and was yelling at the woman of the other car but what “I” saw was that she was backing out first and was way out in the aisle before he started. He was really letting her have it and I took a different route out of the parking lot, trust me. I did not want to get caught up in an international melee!!!
And what did I feel I had to purchase today ??? Well, some great new scissors of course!!! Bat wings, deckle and jigsaw patterns will now adorn my handmade cards!!! And some cool deco border stuff. Can’t wait to try them out!!