My family is VERY important to me. My siblings have become increasingly vital to my life especially after the death of my mom in 2020. I see so many families who have real rifts and it just makes me sad. I can just not imagine not having my siblings in my life. I know it happens but I pray it never happens to us.
Being the youngest of four found me often feeling like I was living in the shadows because I always wanted to be able to do what they did. My mom told me, time and time again, that I would be able to do all of the things that they did when I was a little older. I had no reason to feel inadequate but I did. Did my brothers and sister make me feel that way? Nope! But regardless, I did.
Fast forward to current day and I realize that all of those time growing up, all of those experiences, paved the way for our relationships today. We all cherish the week we spend together yearly at Lakeside and look forward to it all year long. For the most part, I think our spouses feel the same way although I can not speak for them.
Chris and I found that we had some companion airline tickets that we needed to use. I needed sunshine and warmth and I also really wanted to see my brother Mark so we headed out west and spent a few days in California and in Yuma, Arizona where Mark lives.
Yuma is HOT! It was close to 90 degrees when we were there in February and my sweet brother, knowing what a delicate flower I am, made sure he had the air conditioning going even though I know it went against every fiber in his body to turn it on so early. I was grateful and told him several times. We had a great time with Mark and loved his back yard — full of flowering plants and bird baths, hummingbird feeders and a “dove feeding area”. The wildlife biologist in his element, right?
I stayed clear of the “Cholla Jumping Cactus”. There is no way I want to relive what my sister and niece have experienced.

The best meal of the trip was at Mark’s when he made us fish tacos with freshly caught pinto bass. Yum. As a matter of fact they were so good I asked for them a second night.
Life is full and busy but taking a trip to see my brother really made a long winter so much better. Family is important. I am blessed to have a really great one.