“The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.”-
Stephen Furtick
It is so doggone easy to compare our lives to the lives of others that we see and know. Social media is such a great way to share the highlights of life and it is often just that – the highlights. We tend to showcase all of the best on our social media accounts. Weddings, birthday celebrations, the most perfect photographs of ourselves and the list goes on. But folks, that is not always life, is it?
I found this quote and I loved it because it is so easy for me to compare myself to others and think that I am less than. It is a trap that I think many women fall into time and time again. This past week I attended a Ladies Luncheon where the speaker was a very well spoken, well educated and successful business woman. She oozed confidence and intelligence and carried herself with poise and assurance. I sat at her table and was taking it all in. You know what? She was very gracious and kind and even invited someone else to share the stage with her to answer some questions about the topic being presented. That was true class in my humble opinion. She shared the spotlight and allowed another young woman to share her expertise and it took nothing away from her – instead it lifted her in my opinion because she was so gracious.
In days past I would have felt inferior to this woman. I would have gone home a little bit down about how my life does not measure up to what I saw her life to be. Fortunately I have matured a bit and realized that even if I did not have a high powered professional job I still have worth and am doing good things with my life. Not everyone is programmed to be a CEO or a president of a company. I have my own highlight reel but I guarantee you that that speaker has a behind the scenes reel that may be very similar to mine. Everyone has those – we just don’t share them and highlight them.
So today – be an encourager to someone who doesn’t always see that their behind the scenes reel is enough. Encourage a young woman to realize that she has worth in whatever she is doing. It is up to each of us to encourage and support one another and sometimes the best place to start that is with our own loved ones. Let one of your loved ones know today that you see something wonderful in them. Because we all need that encouragement and nudge every now and then. Today may be the day that it makes a difference in that person’s life. Go ahead – be part of someone’s highlight reel today. You won’t regret it.
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