Is there a 12 step program available for people with an addiction to books? Bibliophile is about the closest thing that I can find to describe someone who loves books . That does not even describe how I feel about books most days. As I Continue reading →
Noteworthy Women – The Series – Jena C. Henry
The internet is a wonderful and marvelous place and I have found so many amazing people because of my blogging career. Yes, it is a career. Even if it is not a huge money maker for me it is what I love doing and what Continue reading →
Books n’ Bloggers Swap Time!
It’s that time again—one of my favorite swaps with those fabulous ladies over at Chaotic Goddess. I have done this swap several times and each time I have gotten some fabulous books and made some new blogger friends. The guidelines are simple and the Chaotic Goddesses Continue reading →
Subscription Box Review – The Bookworm Box
I am a subscription box addict and I might need a 12 Step Program pretty soon judging from the loads that our mail carrier has been delivering to me lately. However – this latest one is AMAZING. And yes, capital letters are required for this Continue reading →
The Perfect Volunteer Job
I may have found the perfect volunteer job. Seriously. If I counted up all the organizations and volunteer positions I have had over the years I would probably be surprised. From Navy Relief Society to PTO to Habitat for Humanity to Meals on Wheels the Continue reading →
An Interview with Author Adair Sanders and a Blogaversary Giveaway
Holy smokes how could it be that I have been blogging for 8 years? Now my blog looks much different than it did when I first started as I was really blogging to keep family and friends updated on our new life in Australia but Continue reading →
Comments for a Cause – Books Bring Connections to the Outside
March 1st and it is time to share with my readers the results for our February Comments for a Cause and reveal the new Cause for March. This post is a little longer than I normally share but stick with it to the end. It Continue reading →
Book and a Cuppa Swap Reveal
Book and Cuppa Swap update. I am late. I am late. And not for an important date but instead for the reveal of my Book and A Cuppa Swap that I did with the wonderful ladies at Chaotic Goddesses! I love the swaps I have Continue reading →
The Books on the Nightstand
I always find it incredibly interesting to see what other folks are reading and what books are on their nightstand, don’t you? As a self proclaimed book-a-holic I find that my stash rotates quite frequently and there are always a variety of books in Continue reading →
Books List from 2015
In a fit of cleaning things up on my phone I somehow deleted my ongoing list of books read in 2015. I was sad but you know what? I have had a lot of bigger disappointments in my life and this is a very minor Continue reading →