Cats in clothes. When we were growing up we always had a plethora of cats around. One of the favorite things to do was to put them in doll clothes. I am not sure how smart that was but it was fun to see our Continue reading →
Chrisisms: You Know You Have Missed Them
From time to time I have shared Chrisisms here on It’s Just Life. These are just little quips and comments that my beloved makes that make me giggle from time to time. Sometimes they are serious but most often they are humorous. I haven’t posted Continue reading →
It’s Been Awhile–Chrisisms Return
My husband says the darndest things sometimes and I have taken to writing them down because they are just so—–Chris. I hope you get a kick of reading a few of his latest offerings today. Continue reading →
Chrisisms –Again
My husband comes through with a few witty comments here and there. Continue reading →
Spinning in Our Teacups
I am collecting Chrisisms. Today I start documenting! Continue reading →
Birthday Wishes and Umbilical Cords
Me, Paula and Mother a couple of years ago !!! Need to get an updated picture!!!! But you get the idea!!! My sister has a birthday!!! It is tomorrow—otherwise known as TAX DAY but I thought I would wish her happy birthday a day Continue reading →
Need a Laugh today?
So I was taking a cruise on the internet highway this morning which included watching some You Tube videos on using the Cricut (I learned a lot–perhaps I should have watched some of these earlier and saved myself some on the craft learning!) and happened Continue reading →
This MAY Lower Cholesterol….
It just struck me as funny……the wording on this can of soup…. Progresso can not say for certainty that eating this soup will definitely reduce cholesterol but it MAY, it just MAY reduce it. Can’t fully commit to that claim but on the off chance Continue reading →
Flying Umbrellas and Iowa Winds
So I bought a new umbrella for the deck today……….I was excited because it fit the area much better than any we had had before. We really just needed a smaller market umbrella and one that matched our chairs a bit better so I found Continue reading →