It’s finally here… Tomorrow our Aaron marries his Erin. We are over the moon excited and if I have neglected answering your comments or messages the past week or so I apologize. You know how it is when you anticipate something for so very long Continue reading →
19,460,120 Minutes
1.1676072 x 109 Seconds 19,460,120 Minutes 1,930.5675 Weeks 444 Months 37 Years 15 moves to 14 different places including one foreign country 2 amazing sons 2 incredible daughter in laws 4 cats 1 grand puppy and 2 grand kitties Countless memories Happiest of anniversaries to the Continue reading →
Love Comes in Many Forms – A Look Back
Love and comfort can come in a million or more ways. It can be a simple hug. Holding a hand of someone. Even just a look can convey a sense of love and comfort to someone at times. But the love of a pet is Continue reading →
A Baby Changes Everything – Love
A baby can change everything, can’t it? In the case of the Christian world a baby came into the world and definitely changed the world because of his birth, his life and his death. It is something that I as a Christian cling to and Continue reading →
Our Greatest Need
“I have never met a person whose greatest need was anything other than real, unconditional love. You can find it in a simple act of kindness toward someone who needs help. There is no mistaking love…it is the common fiber of life, the flame that Continue reading →
I Choose Love
I choose love over hate anytime. I choose positivity over negativity. I choose glass half full over glass half empty. I choose happiness over sadness. I choose embracing over holding at arm’s length. I choose lightness over darkness. I choose to be part of the Continue reading →
A Child of Love
Beautiful photography shows us what the celebration is all about. Continue reading →
29 and Counting!
Today is our anniversary. 29 years of wedding bliss. Really! It has been! We have had one fight in those 29 years and it was in the first year of our marriage when I was facing living in Florida with those unfortunate characters–cockroaches. On one Continue reading →