If It’s Tuesday It Must Be Time for Teapots—Again!
I have barely made a dent in my collection!! Here we are with another lovely teapot from my collection. This one was from my husband and is my one and only Wedgewood teapot. And I love it!!! It is not the traditional blue that you Continue reading →
If It Is Tuesday It is Teapot Day!!!!
My one teapot I bought while we were in Australia!!! I love it!!! My favorite color (red) featured in a sweet floral pattern!!! Come join me for a cuppa!!! Continue reading →
If It’s Tuesday It Must Be Teapot Time–Week 2
As promised–a view of another of my teapots from my massive collection! This one is actually part of a child’s tea set and is VERY special to me. It belonged to my Daddy’s sister. I never really knew my Aunt Ruth–she passed away when she Continue reading →
If It’s Tuesday It Must Be Teatime!
I decided to start a new fun thing on Tuesdays!!! And you get to be a part of it!!! I collect teapots and Tuesday is the day that I am going to show you my collection, bit by bit!!! I have a lot so I Continue reading →
Pretzels, Lobster, Beavertails and Oolong Tea
Got your attention with that title, huh??? Well I have decided that this trip to Canada is yet just another opportunity to eat so that is what I am going to do! And you know I always take pictures of food so you will get Continue reading →