There are so many great places to find teapots these days. I have had so many people say they can’t believe some of the unique ones that I find but trust me – once you start noticing something like teapots you find them everywhere. I Continue reading →
Sentimental Teapot Tuesday
My friends get me the most amazing things sometimes and the teapot featured today is one of a kind. It makes me smile whenever I look at it. Smiling is a very good thing. When I left Iowa I left behind a lot of great Continue reading →
Teapot Tuesday
Teapot Tuesday continues today on this last Tuesday in September. This little teapot is just a mini one but is not part of a set like I have been highlighting the past few weeks. But it is sweet all by itself, isn’t it? Cherries and Continue reading →
Teapot Tuesday – Miniature Style
Another tea set in the miniature series graces the blog today. Since Chris and I were “polar bears” in college I think this one is the perfect little set for my collection, don’ t you? The “teapot” is the polar bear with the baby at Continue reading →
Teapot Tuesday
One of the joys of getting ready for a move is discovering all of the things that were never unpacked from the last move. Seriously it is ridiculous what we stored and never even looked at. I blame it on …. oh I don’t know. Continue reading →
Teapot Tuesday Keeps Me in Stitches
Lame, I know. I am trying to spice up Teapot Tuesday a little bit and as this is moving week I may be a bit punchy about now. I am not sure how the next month or so will go with Teapot Tuesday since I Continue reading →
Anchors Aweigh on Teapot Tuesday
What could be more fitting for me right now than a nautical teapot? Not much, let me tell you. I am getting pretty excited about the upcoming move to a house where out my back door is a lake. I will probably go overboard with Continue reading →
Teapot Tuesday
It’s true that teapots come in all shapes and sizes. It is also true that sometimes things happen to our beloved teapots and a spout gets broken or a lid goes missing. The teapot on Teapot Tuesday today was one that was left in our Continue reading →
A Bit of Silver on Teapot Tuesday
I have been finding all kinds of treasures in our house as I am preparing for our move to North Carolina. A dumpster was delivered today so we can toss any items that are not usable that have collected over the years we have been Continue reading →
Teapot Tuesday – The Lake District
Tiny teapots are easier to pack. Tiny teapots are easier for loved ones to bring home from travels as gifts which explains the teapot on the blog today. My mom took a trip to England and this was one of the little things that found Continue reading →