Black Friday.
Cyber Monday.
Giving Tuesday.
If you are like me you are thinking that we have had a huge run on “special days” recently. It all starts with Thanksgiving and then there seems to be a special day every single day. Now they are not days that we really will see on the calendar and they are primarily days that are made up for retailers but still. There is a trend to highlight several days post Thanksgiving to bring attention to doing certain things on certain days.
There is even a National Day Calendar site that promotes one or more special things to celebrate each day. Just so you know today is the day to celebrate quite a few things. Did you know that December 6th is:
- National Pawnbrokers Day
- National Microwave Oven Day
- National Gazpacho Day
- St. Nicholas Day
- Miners’ Day
Well, now you know. So go out and make some gazpacho for your local pawnbroker and miner while using your microwave and dressed as St. Nicholas. Or something like that.
All of these special days got me to thinking that I should treat every single day as a holiday. Not just any old run of the mill made up holiday. That would not do.
I should wake up every morning with a song in my heart (especially if it is National Sing a Song at the Top of Your Lungs Day) .
I should make my coffee and celebrate the people that first figured out the magical liquid and who continue to make the brew perfectly.
I should have a party for Buddy and Holly every morning as I give them their treats – maybe even wear a party hat and have noise makers.
Am I being a bit silly? Perhaps. But every day is a gift. As my husband has reminded me recently every day above ground is a gift. We are not promised anything in this life and the faithful know that each day is truly a gift. It is up to me to decide how to use that day.
So today as I celebrate National Microwave Day I am grateful for one more day on this earth to share with others. I am grateful for a wonderful place to live, a roof over my head, family that compares to none, a Village that helps take care of my mom, friends that are loyal and a constant in my life but most importantly – a faith in a loving God that allows every single day to be a celebration.
If you are wondering what to celebrate today why not look around you and count your blessings. I am absolutely positive that you will find at least one thing to celebrate
Leave me a comment and tell me what you are celebrating. All comments on the blog this month go to our Comments for a Cause – CRASH to help with Truck Safety.