Between the squirrels, deer, raccoons and bears I have a continual battle keeping bird feeders full and intact. The past couple of months I have not been very diligent in keeping them filled primarily because I don’t need bears coming and causing havoc in the yard.
I have a love hate relationship with squirrels as do most people who have bird feeders. While they all amuse me I must admit that I give preferential treatment to the white squirrels because they are white squirrels after all. Brevard is home to the famous white squirrel and we now have several that visit our yard. Including this guy or gal.

Apparently he had done this before and had returned to the scene of the crime judging from the shape of my bird feeder.

I keep thinking that I should just take them all down and stop encouraging them but they are fun to watch. I have had so many bird feeders over the years. My favorite one was the Wild Bill Bird Feeder that I wrote about here. I had this one in Iowa and I loved it so much.

But it also fell prey to marauders. This time it was our herd of deer that took it out. Knocked it plum off its post and it was history – cracked and kicked beyond being salvaged.

So before I spend too much money on new and improved bird feeders I guess I really need to think about who shares the woods that I live in, right? After all, they were here before me. They have first dibs.
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