Pets are such a big part of our lives and of the lives of many of the people that we know. I have always had cats in my life and have many photographs of me with various cats growing up.
I can’t imagine life without having some kind of pet in it. Chris had dogs growing up and someday down the road there may be a dog in our future but for now two cats are quite enough for me.
Pets offer so much. Recently as my Mother celebrated her 89th birthday one of the aides brought in her cat for my mom to snuggle. I thought it was one of the most thoughtful gestures and when I spoke with my mom she told me she really wanted to get a cat again. While that is probably not possible I do know that she always had a soft spot in her heart for all of our pet kitties over the years.

My mom and one of her aides Chelsea with her kitty.
Pets become part of our lives in ways that only a pet owner can imagine. As I type this post I have a cat on either side of me. They are amazing companions and with a husband who travels often they have become quite important to me. Buddy and Holly are the best cats ever.
Thinking of life without them …I just can’t right now. They are too important to me.
I got to thinking about it a little bit more when I was contacted by David Miller who is the marketing director for Heart in Diamond. His company has a pretty unique focus and while I don’t do a lot of sponsored posts on It’s Just Life his offer was too good to pass up. He was intrigued by Comments for a Cause and offered to make a generous donation to a charity of my choice for sharing a bit about his company.
Heart in Diamond is one of those companies that looks to honor loved ones who have passed with a unique diamond created from the ashes of that loved one. These diamonds can vary in color and size and of course price depending upon what the family desires. But what appealed to me most with Heart in Diamond was the idea that pets could be honored and memorialized in this way as well. I know a lot of my friends would be interested in this concept and it is an option that some might consider. Often pets are remembered with concrete paw prints or a few of their ashes incorporated in jewelry or in urns but Heart in Diamond offers yet another option – jewelry that includes a diamond that is created from the pet’s ashes.
Heart in Diamond offers the pet owner the chance to have a diamond created that is long lasting and beautiful from the cremains of the animal. While there are other options to memorializing a beloved pet Heart in Diamond offers options in their diamonds through color, size, cut and jewelry setting.
The real question? What does it cost? That varies but what impressed me most about Heart in Diamond was their acknowledgment that most pet owners don’t have a lot of money to spend. Their awareness of this allows pet owners to choose a payment plan that suits them With a downpayment of 25% the remaining balance can be paid in installments up to 24 months interest free. Heart In Diamond is proud to be the only certified manufacturer to create genuine cremation diamonds at its own laboratory. It means, our customers order guaranteed quality for competitive prices. If you find a better offer from another certified cremation diamond producer, Heart in Diamond will match it.
To view pricing please click here to go directly to a page that shares pricing and types of diamonds. As you can see from the chart there are many options.
I love their phrase:
“One of a Kind Diamond for a One of a Kind Bond”

Beautiful example of diamond created by Heart in Diamond . (Image credit Heart in Diamond)

Beautiful diamond in setting. (Photo credit Heart in Diamond)
The Heart in Diamond consultant will explain the five step process to the pet owner to help with the decision and to find the perfect way to honor the beloved pet. Every part of the process is carefully considered and thought out with the pet owner in mind.
While this might not be appealing to every one I do think it is a pretty beautiful way to honor any pet. A huge thank you to David Miller for reaching out and allowing me the chance to share this with my readers. A special thank you to Heart in Diamond for the generous contribution to Highland Youth Garden in Columbus, Ohio. It is truly appreciated.
Please check out Heart in Diamond on all of their social media channels listed below. Their website holds a wealth of information so spend some time clicking around .