No, her eyes technically are not green but our grand puppy definitely got her nose out of joint when “that baby” joined the family. Poor Penny. Life has not been the same for this pampered pooch since that little guy arrived. I couldn’t find her Continue reading →
Powering Up with Comments for a Cause
Hello one and all! February has arrived and here on It’s Just Life that means there is excitement in the air. It has been a pretty wonderful month for comments here and my faithful readers (and some new ones) have commented and filled my inbox Continue reading →
Comments for a Cause – Cats, Cats, and More Cats
Well, hello there friends! Hello, 2022! You may have noticed that my planned one week hiatus morphed into a two week hiatus but never fear. I am back to share all of my inspiration and ramblings with you in 2022. An unexpected case of a Continue reading →
Happy 2 Years, Maksim!
Maksim turns two years old today so Teapot Tuesday is pre-empted for a celebration instead. This cat has brought us so much happiness – it is ridiculous. His antics keep us (and the internet) amused and I can’t imagine what we did before he arrived. Continue reading →
It’s Caturday!
It’s been awhile since I devoted an entire post to the felines in my life. So here it goes. An easy on the eyes post that doesn’t require much reading. Enjoy. Continue reading →
You Don’t Smell Right
Maksim went to the groomer Tuesday and everything went downhill once we got home. Holly (aka Grumpy Senior Cat) puts up with him and his antics for only so long. But give him a bath and get him all fresh smelling and she was having Continue reading →
Animal Monday
I think we all need to just take a little pause today and enjoy some animal pictures. It always makes me feel better and I bet some of these will bring a smile to your face. I have shared about the wonderful Shadowbrook Farm several Continue reading →
Happy Gotcha Day, Maksim!
A year ago we got this pile of fluff and brought him home. I know I share a lot of Maksim but I can’t let today go by without a tribute to this little guy who has helped get us through a pretty tough year. Continue reading →
A Cat Must Live Here
Are you tired of my incessant cat posts? If you are – move on along. Nothing to see here. Honestly – Maksim is a character and even though he and Holly have their moments of fighting I know deep down she loves him. Just not Continue reading →