Remember those signs you used to see along the highway? Last chance for gas? Last chance for food? Last chance for clean restrooms before you hit primitive conditions? Well here it is—your last chance to help Meals on Wheels!!! Well maybe not literally your last Continue reading →
A Bit of Me!
Blogging is a funny thing…we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, “who is this person!?” I know them…but yet I don’t know them! I want to know who the person Continue reading →
I See the Poor Element Video with Live Footage from Justin Crutchfield on Vimeo. Continue reading →
Black Olives and TOMS Shoes
Each week, Hilary at Feeling Beachie lists four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to her at feelingbeachie(at)gmail(dot)com. Continue reading →
Princess Parties, Hot Meals and Give A Ways!!! Wild Wednesday!!!
I have lots of different things to post today so stick with me!!! It will be worth it–-I PROMISE! First of all it is Wordless Wednesday over at Never Growing Old so I will start out with my picture for the day! Seen in a Continue reading →
Friday Fill Ins Mid Way Through the Day!
I have been a smidge bit busy lately. Traveling, a wonderful visit from my sister and then more travel and I have been off of my bloggy routine. Please please forgive me!! I have a giveaway in the works so stay tuned…it may post tomorrow….so Continue reading →
Mid Day Meet Me on Monday!
A little delay on the post today—doing a bit of traveling and finally settled in at the youngest son’s place a bit ago. Yippee!!! First class seat, no delays, easy jaunt to get the rental car and even though his place is not on the Continue reading →
The Results Are In!!!
This month I promised to make a donation to the National Parkinson Foundation for every legitimate comment made on my blog during the month of April. By legitimate I mean from real people and not spammers!!! There are a lot of those out there in Continue reading →
Friday Fun
Wow—how did it get to be Friday already???? Joining in on Hilary’s Friday Fill In fromFeeling Beachie. Hop on over to her blog and join in if you want! Each week she features 4 statements for us to answer and this week the questions are Continue reading →
Friday Fun!
This week I am remembering to do Hilary’s blog hop . Check her out at Feeling Beachie.. This week’s co-host is Kipp from Kipp’s Version This week’s statements: 1. My favorite kitchen secret is___________ 2. _____is my favorite flavor of ice cream 3. My favorite Continue reading →