Over the years that we have lived here, I have made many trips to Pretty. Place Chapel at the Greenville YMCA Camp in South Carolina. It is only about 10 miles ( 5 to the road leading up to the camp and an additional 5 Continue reading →
Did Someone Say Chattanooga Choo Choo?
Scrolling through pictures I have taken this year might indicate that we like trains. Recently I shared our trip on the Virginia Scenic Railrway and today I share just.a few pictures that I took in and around the famous Chattanooga Choo Choo train. What is Continue reading →
The Things You Can See on Sidewalks
Way back in the summer Chris and I spent a day in nearby Hendersonville. We love a couple of restaurants on Main Street and the shops are always pretty great so we planned a day just to see what we could see. . We just Continue reading →
Chincoteague, Virginia – Where Are the Ponies?
Chris and I had hoped to see the wild ponies that are on Assateague Island in Virginia. They are often called Chincoteague ponies but they actually live on Assateague Island and our visit in September was geared toward seeing them. According to their information on Continue reading →
Backyard Friend
I have shared many of our backyard friends over the years. We do live in a pretty amazing and beautiful place and count ourselves very, very fortunate to live where we do. One of our favorite visitors is the white squirrel. We have plenty of Continue reading →
What’s On Your Camera Roll?
Time for another edition of What’s On Your Camera Roll. Today’s offerings of course include cats and food. Those are the pictures that seem to dominate my phone camera. Maksim turned 5 last week and got a new toy so of course he had to Continue reading →
Waterfall Wednesday – Key Falls
It’s funny how sometimes the easiest things to do are the things that take the longest to accomplish. Case in point – walking to Key Falls. We finally did it last week. Only took us almost 9 years to view one of the easiest hikes Continue reading →
More Chihuly at Biltmore
Yesterday I shared a few pictures from the current exhibit of Chihuly at Biltmore in Asheville, NC. Today I thought I would finish the week out with a few more of my favorite views of the exhibition. It is truly stunning and if you can Continue reading →
Chihuly at Biltmore
Chihuly at Biltmore is a sight to be seen. Take a quick peek at what there is on display. Continue reading →
Springtime in the Mountains
It’s springtime in the mountains and I have to share a lot of the beauty that we see here in the mountains. It is stunning! From the pollen laden lake to the wildflowers that are blooming everywhere, it is my absolute favorite time of the Continue reading →