My birthday came and went but I am still celebrating. Of course I am. Because I love to celebrate. One of my birthday presents from my sister was this sweet teapot that she spied and bought for me at Cracker Barrel. My sister and I Continue reading →
On the Street NYC Style
Art is everywhere and especially in New York City. If you have read my blog for any length of time you know that I love outdoor art of any kind and seek it out. New York City has so much going on all of the Continue reading →
Friday Musings
It’s been a long but wonderful week and I am going to keep this short today with a promise of some fun posts next week of our fabulous trip to New Jersey and New York City. When I say that I am tired – it Continue reading →
Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior
According to George Washington there is a right and wrong way to act. In this adorable little book. (thanks to the donator at AAUW for the blog post fodder) he lists 110 things that he believed leads to a life that is filled with civility Continue reading →
Be Kind
If I could say one thing today that I would hope is something that my readers would take to heart it is to just be kind. I am preaching to the choir here with the folks that read my blog. You guys all get it. Continue reading →
Don’t Worry – All Will Be Well
With a blog post title like that I know I had you wanting to read on. This will be a short one today but as often is the case it was inspired by something I saw on social media. Not sure who to give credit Continue reading →
What’s in a Name?
Do you like your name? Everyone has one. But be honest. Do you like yours? I have always loved my name. I am just Beth Ann. Not Elizabeth. Not Bethany. Nope. Beth Ann. Plain and simple. Perfect. Short and sweet. Nothing fancy and I think Continue reading →
A Gentle Reminder
I find that I learn the most in life from object lessons or from little experiences that stay with me. It seems lately I have had a few church experiences that have moved me to be reminded that God’s grace is everywhere. This past Sunday Continue reading →
Dum Spiro Spero
I love mottos. There are some really fabulous mottos out there for different things. Some common ones include: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. The way to get started is to stop talking and start doing. Dreams come true. Hope for the best but Continue reading →
Yellow Gold
I really try to give everyone I encounter some grace. After all, we really have no idea what anyone else is going through at any moment of the day. I know that we ALL have things we are dealing with on a daily basis and Continue reading →