I’m back! After a fabulous 11 days of family, fun, and all things Maine I am back home and happily settling in for a few days of laundry and loving on lonely kitty cats. I will regale you with stories of our adventures later but for now I HAVE to do Comments for a Cause. Here it is September 6 and I am just now getting to what I usually share on the 1st of the month.
Our Comments for a Cause for August was More Than Words which is a wonderful organization that helps youth in foster care to achieve life goals. Their goal is to equip these young people with skills that will be able to help them lead successful lives.
“We work with youth, ages 16-24, who are in the foster care system, court-involved, homeless, out of school, parenting, or involved with the Department of Mental Health. At More Than Words, our young people earn a spot on our team running a successful $4M business, gain promotions, set and achieve personal goals, advocate for their rights, and learn skills to set them up for success in any career path they choose.”
This great organization is one that really makes a difference and Chris and I are happy to report that we will be make a donation to More Than Words of $85 to help in their efforts. Thank you to all who have made a comment on the blog this past month – you are appreciated.

One of our fun things that we did while we were in vacation in Maine was go on a whale watching trip. Chris and I have previously done whale watching trips in New Zealand and Nova Scotia. Our best trip was in a smaller vessel in Nova Scotia where we got pretty close to them and could actually get some good photographs. This time our boat was larger and more crowded and thanks to the skill of the crew of Bar Harbor Whale Watching Company we were able to see 6 different hump back whales play and cavort in the water. It was a great trip and especially fun for our grandson who was able to see whales for the first time.
It seems only right to have some type of whale conservation cause be my Comments for a Cause this month so I chose and Adopt a Whale program through Allied Whale. Their program is one that helps to continue the study of whales so that they can be kept safe and thriving for future generations.
So this month, please join me and for every comment made on any post Chris and I will make a 50 cent donation to the Allied Whale Adopt a Whale program. Thank you so much for your continued support.
The video below is one that our son took of some of the whales that we were able to see on our outing. Enjoy!