Hurricane Florence is bearing down on the North Carolina coast as I write this. We still have time before it comes inland and it appears that it will stall out and hangout for awhile before it really comes to the mountains. I think it will still bring plenty of rain and wind but hopefully not too much.
I question why people stay when they are told to evacuate. I know there are a lot of reasons that I am not aware of. A friend told me that she has friends who have a daughter who is days away from dying and cannot be moved. They stayed. Of course they stayed. I would as well. I get that. I also understand that some folks just don’t have the financial means to go . I would hope they would seek refuge in the shelters that are set up. I would also hope that others would step up to help them. I think if they told me to go I would go. The folks that seem to be getting the airtime are those who have stubbornly decided to stay despite the risks to them and first responders. It puts so many other lives at risk and I just can’t wrap my head around why you would stay when the authorities tell everyone to go.
We will prepare by taking down all the hanging stuff outside on our porches, securing outdoor furniture and hopefully getting both cars parked in the garage. We live in a forest and tree limbs coming down is a reality so hopefully that will be minimal. While we have underground cables the power coming into our development is on poles so as we know those trees can go down on those lines and cause power outages. I think we are well prepared. I have lots of food on hand, water and best of all…
Don’t you just love the cover I found? Looks very similar to my blog logo.
My old Kindle died and I was frantic. Even though I have tons of books and I can read on my phone and laptop I still rely on my Kindle and was so sad. Mr. Diamond was tired of hearing me whine and said “Just buy a new one” so I did. I am in love with it and it is even waterproof so those long soaks in the tub and times poolside and beachside will be even better.
So as we all continue to wait and watch and see what is going to happen with Florence you can find me in my favorite position below. Please stay safe everyone.