Just as my 60th birthday was celebrated during a pandemic so will Mother’s Day 2020. I am trying to not take it personally . In the big scheme of things it isn’t that big of a deal for me but I hate that I still won’t be able to see my sweet mom.
Several of my readers have asked how she is doing and the good news is she has been tested and is negative for COVID – 19 for which I am very grateful. The not so great news is that the virus is everywhere at Copeland Oaks specifically Crandall Medical Center where she lives and they have had four deaths. Despite all of their precautions and safety measures it has crept in. At one point we were told that no mail was going to be delivered from the local post office. Then that was retracted. I sent a Mother’s Day card and someday she might get that. At least I sent one.
But I am so not alone in my wishing I could see my mom on Sunday. There are so many who are in this same situation or worse and I keep reminding myself that I am very blessed to have my mom still around when so many of my friends can no longer say that. So I will focus on that and be grateful.

It has been our tradition for so many years to get take out chicken and go on a picnic on Mother’s Day. This year it will look a bit different as we are still scouting a place that we can go safely to enjoy that tradition. Of course it will be without the boys but I am sure we will Zoom sometime on Sunday.

Having a mother who has dementia is difficult. Having a pandemic on top of it which prevents me from visiting her makes it even more difficult. One of my friends stated that this could be her own mom’s last Mother’s Day and it made me sad thinking that we just never know. I can not even start to think about that with my own mom and that I have no idea when it will be safe enough to go see her. I can’t see that happening for a very long time.
So if you are one who is fortunate enough to be sheltering in place at home with your mom please give her an extra hug and tell her it is from me. I just want to give a hug to a mom – any mom at this point.