A repost from 5 years ago…
Warning—-this post may not be one you want to read —it will deal with human waste so please be forewarned.
Chris and I were lounging in bed the other morning. I had about a zillion Words with Friends games to play. No kidding. I am a little out of control on that right now. I figure it is a brain exercise so it is a good thing to do but it is a little stressful when i see that I have 15 plays to make. Yikes!
So I was trying to use my letters and put in a word that I thought would work. The cool thing about this app is that if it isn’t a word it will tell you right then and there that it isn’t going to work—that it knows you are trying to pull a fast one on your opponent and have made up some ridiculous word. I tried to play the word fece. And as I just typed this spell check did not underline it so I think it is a word, right? Words With Friends kicked it out. I was astonished. I was sure it was a word. So my husband being the ever helpful soulmate googled it. Wikipedia said it was “feces” not fece. Okay….I guess I will bow to that.
But what happened next was amazing. The hubby continues to read about feces……yes….human excrement. Now do you think that is really a great topic to be reading to your spouse on a Saturday morning??? How romantic is that? I guess he figured the roses and chocolates and wonderful dinner were enough and that he no longer needed to be held to the romanticism. He proceeds to tell me all the different types of stools and , of course, along with that comes his own observations about where he falls on the Bristol Stool Chart normally. Way too much information, honey!
But in the interest of education and because I always try to leave my readers with something—here you go. You can peruse at your own speed if you choose. Maybe you too will learn something like I did. You’re welcome.

Source: Wikipedia