Hello everyone! Welcome to 2017. How on earth can it be 2017? I took a week off of blogging this week to focus on family and time off and it was definitely needed. Since all of you guys have lives and were probably having Continue reading →
Showing My Thankfulness Through Comments for a Cause
Comments for a Cause and thankfulness seem to go hand in hand around It’s Just Life. After just celebrating Thanksgiving last week I guess I am feeling especially grateful. I am grateful to have family and friends who love and support me. I am grateful Continue reading →
Comments for a Cause Takes On Education
It is Comments for a Cause time again. The month of July was somewhat of a blur for me but I knew that when August 1st rolled around I would be thrilled to announce the results of our July Comments for a Cause and reveal Continue reading →
George and Gertie – My Canada Geese Friends
Remember George and Gertie? My Canada geese friends who have been hanging out in our yard? I wrote about them here. It happened. What we had anticipated happened and I am over the moon excited. I came home from Las Vegas and my BAM Conference and Continue reading →
The Perfect Volunteer Job
I may have found the perfect volunteer job. Seriously. If I counted up all the organizations and volunteer positions I have had over the years I would probably be surprised. From Navy Relief Society to PTO to Habitat for Humanity to Meals on Wheels the Continue reading →
George and Gertie
George and Gertie the Canada Geese have adopted our yard as their home base. I suspect it is for a couple of reasons. Spring is here in North Carolina and time for baby geese. Our house is located across from a tiny island on the Continue reading →
An Interview with Author Adair Sanders and a Blogaversary Giveaway
Holy smokes how could it be that I have been blogging for 8 years? Now my blog looks much different than it did when I first started as I was really blogging to keep family and friends updated on our new life in Australia but Continue reading →
Sandy Mush Girl – Janis Allen
I have found that Brevard, North Carolina is full of amazing and talented people and Janis Allen is just one of these. The community where we have settled, Connestee Falls, has a wonderful assortment of activities and events that we can take advantage of and Continue reading →
Home Sweet Home
I have been thinking a lot about home lately. I have written a couple posts previously about what home is to me and you can read one of those here. But the way I am thinking about home these days is a bit different. It Continue reading →