Thankfulness. Gratitude. These words make the world so much better. I am thankful for family and friends who love and support me. I am thankful for my parents, who although they are no longer here in earthly form, continue to be present in my life Continue reading →
A Month for Thankfulness
November is a lot of things but of course it is best known for the Thanksgiving holiday. Our Thanksgivings look a lot different than they did years ago. I remember driving to my Grandma Bonnie’s house for a huge feast. She was a really good Continue reading →
It’s A Week of Thanksgiving
This week we are looking forward to Thanksgiving and many years I have done a thankful post for every day of the month. I’d like to think I am thankful every single day but sometimes it is good to make a point of writing things Continue reading →
Thankful and Grateful
Thankfulness. Gratitude. These are two words that make the world so much better. Today I am thankful for healthcare workers and all of our essential personnel that are working to keep things running during this continuing pandemic. I am thankful for family and friends who Continue reading →
Veteran’s Day – 2021
The United States is a pretty amazing place to live. Yes, we have our problems but then what country doesn’t ? But when it all comes down to it we have a country that is pretty wonderful and I am reminded each and every day Continue reading →
Daily Gratitude
One of the things I am trying to do this year is to continue to focus on gratitude. It is a good thing to try to keep that at the forefront of my life and I love that every day I can find many things Continue reading →
The Day After Thanksgiving – Happy and Thankful
Thankfulness. Gratitude. These are two words that make the world so much better. Today I am thankful for healthcare workers and all of our essential personnel that are working to keep things running during this pandemic. I am thankful for family and friends who love Continue reading →
The Abundant Life
Abundant. According to the meaning of this word is as follows: present in great quantity; more than adequate; oversufficient: an abundant supply of water. 2.well supplied with something; abounding: a river abundant in salmon. richly supplied, as with resources: an abundant land. I have been in a contemplative Continue reading →
Celebrating Thanksliving Every Day of the Year
Thanksliving. Isn’t that a great word? Our pastor preached a sermon about Thanksliving. Autocorrect keeps trying to change that word to Thanksgiving but that’s not what I am talking about . Thanksliving is a way of living every single day as a thankful person. Continue reading →