Bone tired.
You have to know what that is like, right?
When you just don’t think you can take another step?
I know that turning 60 last week might have had an effect on me but Saturday I was bone tired. It was a good feeling after a day of volunteering but my body ached.
I shared last week that I was going to be part of a group that would be doing a food drive for a couple of our local charities in Brevard, NC. An idea was thrown out in a simple Facebook post and 2 weeks later the event happened and surpassed our dreams. Three determine women and their husbands along with many others came together and created an amazing visual display of love.

Don’t tell me that people don’t care.
Don’t tell me that there is no goodness in the world.
Don’t tell me it can’t be done.
Because it can.
And it was.
And it will be again.
Thanks to all who donated their time and money and canned goods — our hearts are overflowing with gratitude. Iam grateful to all of those essential workers, the grandparents who are filling in as teachers, the behind the scenes people who are packing up grocery orders and food orders for curbside pick up and more. YOU are what makes the bone tired me happy at the end of a day of a successful food drive. Good job.
If you know someone who deserves a thank you make sure to leave me a comment and I will send them a special card. Just let me know their name and what they are doing and I will private message you for the address. Everyone needs to know when they are doing a good job. Remember to Comment for a Cause – Transylvania Tomorrow.