Everyone is going crazy doing projects during the COVID – 19 pandemic. Things are pretty much shut down and a lot of people are finding projects to do around their homes. I must admit I started off strong with closet cleaning, outdoor furniture staining and Continue reading →
Monthly Archives: April 2020
Maksim + Cardboard = Dinosaur
If you have been on social media recently you might have seen pictures that cat owners have taken with cats. The ones that make me laugh the most are the ones of cats posing in cardboard dinosaur drawings. Of course I never claimed to be Continue reading →
Teapot Tuesday – For the Love of Hummingbirds
I have one of the best husbands in the world — hands down. Today’s teapot has a story as do most of the teapots in my collection. The hummingbirds that have started to appear at our feeders again got me thinking I needed to bring Continue reading →
A Love That Lasts
A love that lasts is one of those things that many people seek and are never able to find. I was feeling a bit verklempt Sunday morning as my week started and morphed into being just like any other week during COVID -19 self isolation. Continue reading →
All Eyes on the Eagle Cam
One of the things that I loved to watch in the spring when we lived in Iowa was the live eagle camera on the nest in Decorah. Chris and I were able to see it in person but since that is not possible now I Continue reading →
Choose Happy
The above sign is in the little “apartment” that we have over our garage. I retreated there the other day while Chris was on business calls and I wanted to read. As I sat on the couch I looked at that little sign that I Continue reading →
More of Maksim
By now you realize that our lives revolve around Mr. Maksim here at Casa de Chiles. He has definitely kept us entertained during this Covid 19 crisis and I am so grateful that we have him around to keep us amused. His middle name is Continue reading →
Teapot Tuesday – Florida Find
Teapot Tuesday this week features an acquisition from our Thanksgiving 2013 trip to Cocoa Beach. I always like to find a teapot from places we visit if possible and on our last full day in Cocoa Beach we decided to go to Cocoa Village and Continue reading →
A New Week – A Fresh Perspective
Are the weeks running together in your life like they are running together in mine? We continue to remind each other of what day of the week it is and what the date is. Calendars are sadly bare except for Zoom meetings with the kids. Continue reading →
Travel From Your Couch – Krka National Park, Croatia
Another in my series of Travel from Your Couch is featured today on the blog. This one combines an unforgettable trip, a wedding and the most spectacular waterfall I have ever seen. Enjoy. One of our most spectacular trips has been to Croatia. We went Continue reading →