Happy June 6th! Also known as D Day. But more importantly it is our youngest son’s birthday! Whoop whoop.
Aaron turns 29 today and while you know I am way too young to have a 29 year old it is true. So it seemed only appropriate to feature a really fabulous teapot that Aaron got me. He went to Israel for a work trip and asked me what I wanted him to bring me back from “the motherland”. Leave it to Aaron to find the most beautiful teapot ever.
Getting it back home was a bit of a struggle as security in the Tel Aviv airport thought a bubble wrapped teapot was suspicious. The good news is he made it through security and made his flight and this beautiful teapot came to live with me 4 years ago.
This is definitely one of my most prized teapots in my collection. I think you can understand why.
So Happy Birthday, Aaron! You never cease to amaze me and you always make me laugh.

Aaron at work on Halloween