Exotic. Every once in a while don’t we all need to experience a little something exotic? The other day when I was shopping at Ingles I was drawn into the exotic fruit section. Now is that what you were thinking? Their display drew me in Continue reading →
The Bears by the Side of the Road
Living in the mountains of North Carolina is pretty wonderful almost all of the time. We often remark that we feel like we live in a national park and quite honestly I can’t imagine living anywhere else right now. We love our little mountain home Continue reading →
A Quick Glimpse at the River Art District – Asheville, North Carolina
The River Arts District in Asheville, North Carolina is a vibrant community of artists and artisans who open their shops and studios to allow the public to experience art at its finest. Chris and I have visited a couple of times and it is always Continue reading →
A Few of My Favorite Things
It’s favorite things day on It’s Just Life. I have been down and out with some lovely illness that my sweet Mr. Diamond shared with me (isn’t that the sign of a great marriage?) it makes for an easy blog post with out much thought Continue reading →
A Few of My New Favorite Teas on Teapot Tuesday
Tea. Glorious tea. Of course my readers are well acquainted with my obsession with teapots and all things teapot related. To use a teapot you need proper tea so today I am going to share a bit of my new loves. At Christmas I was Continue reading →
This Isn’t Your Mom’s Tupperware
A few weeks back I was raving about Tupperware. You can read about my experiences with my micro pressure cooker here. You guys know that when I find something that I love I like to share. My mama taught me that it is a good Continue reading →
Beloved Pets and Diamonds – A Beautiful Connection
Pets are such a big part of our lives and of the lives of many of the people that we know. I have always had cats in my life and have many photographs of me with various cats growing up. I can’t imagine life without Continue reading →
A Few of My Favorite Things
Every once in a while I like to share a few of my favorite things with my readers. Today is your lucky day if you joined me on It’s Just Life because it is one of those days when I do just that. Aren’t you Continue reading →
A Few of My Favorite Things
Every once in a while I like to share a few of my favorite things. Lucky readers – today is that day so settle in and see what tops my list this month. Chris got me an Echo for Christmas in RED. We had an Continue reading →
Christmas Gift Ideas – Barbey Botanicals
Botanical Christmas? I might have something for you to check out in today’s post so keep reading. Moving around from place to place has allowed me to meet some of the most amazing and talented people. When we moved to Connestee Falls outside of Continue reading →