I like to think that I am a positive person. A glass half full person. I usually am but honestly – everyone has down days and days when we doubt our own self worth, right? Chris got me this little daily reminder book for Christmas that I had on my Amazon wish list for awhile and I have been trying to read the snippets every day to simply remind myself to be positive.
The year started out with the following offering.

You are right where you should be.
Isn’t that a great thing to know?
It may be a tough place but it is right where you are supposed to be.
You’ve got this.
I had a meeting a few weeks back and we had to talk about what we bring to the group. Our strengths and our gifts. I said I was a cheerleader. I may not always have the best and brightest ideas but doggone it – I can cheer you on from here to wherever and support you. I draw on my seventh grade cheerleader skills. Oh yes—I was quite the cheerleader in seventh grade.
If you need some encouragement today I would love to support you. Just let me know what I can do for you and I will do it if I can.
How do you view yourself? Glass half full and full of positivity or less than half full? Let me know in the comments and remember to Comment for a Cause for Mountain Laurel Animal Rescue.