I recently was part of a huge donation of books to our hopefully upcoming AAUW book sale in 2021. We had to cancel this past year and are hopeful we will be able to hold one next year. We have carefully started collecting a few donations here and there and a friend asked me months ago if I would help with a neighbor’s donation. I said yes not realizing how massive the donation would be.
Now to be fully transparent my friend did most of the packing of the books ahead of move day. All I did was provide two loads of boxes and show up on the day of the move. She rallied the troops, scheduled two pick up trucks and with 10 or so people the 61 boxes of books got moved from the basement level of a basically three story house to the awaiting pickups for transportation to the Book Nook. There is where they will be sorted, priced and boxed up for the next sale.
There were a few bookcases to be packed up when I arrived so I started in and as I packed I discovered a couple books that I “needed”. The following is one of them.

Perfect, right? It’s on my weekly to read list.

There are some simply beautiful black and white illustrations that head the top of each chapter. How often do you get a book with words and art at the same time?

Don’t you love that last picture? The words are quotable. I can’t wait to dig into this book accompanied by a wonderful cup of tea. Happy Teapot Tuesday, my friends. Enjoy your day.