We did it! Our first Gramma and Gramp Camp is over and done and all participants appeared to enjoy the experience thoroughly. Camp counselors have recovered from the weeklong experience and have improved flexibility and stamina as a result. The week with our little grandson Continue reading →
Christmas Past
A repost but one that makes me smile every time I see the pictures. Enjoy. I am feeling nostalgic today and perhaps it is the upcoming holiday season that is prompting that feeling. Whatever it is I had a little trip down memory lane as Continue reading →
Ninety Two
When peace like a river, attendeth my way When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to know It is well, it is well, with my soul. Horatio Spafford “It is Well with My Soul” Today, of all days, I Continue reading →
Family is important. Being the youngest of 4 siblings I realize just how important it is to have good strong relationships with siblings. One gift our parents gave us was the gift of strong family ties. It’s been a little odd the past month. For Continue reading →
A Gift of Love and Memories
I know I brag on my family all of the time but it is a pretty amazing group of people that share some of the same DNA. I do not take this lightly or for granted as I know that not all families have the Continue reading →
Making Memories
Last week was a week to make memories. On September 25th we celebrated the life of our mother, Helen M. Brown, with what I think was a beautiful service. One of her clergy friends delivered the message which was perfect. Another family friend sang the Continue reading →
Celebrating My Mother
Today’s post is simply a copy of what I hopefully said at her Celebration of Life on Saturday. The rest of the week I am taking off from posting on It’s Just Life so I can enjoy being in the moment with my family. Have Continue reading →
The Brown Daze
I hail from a family of writers. It’s a nice thing to know that others who have gone before have been creatives who like to share their words with others. My great, great uncle, Rollo Walter Brown, was a prolific writer and by all accounts Continue reading →
Whoopee! Hurray!
As I sort through the totes of family pictures and papers from my parents in search of perfect pictures to use for my mom’s upcoming Celebration of Life I am blessed to happen upon a lot of great items. My dad was a saver of Continue reading →
39 Years and Counting
On Sunday Mr. Diamond and I will celebrate 39 years of wedded bliss. For those that know us well, you know that we have really been blessed with a truly wonderful life. We are well suited for one another and balance each other. As we Continue reading →