Chrisisms are these witty little phrases that my beloved Mr. Diamond utters from time to time. He has been a little off his game these days and hasn’t been as prolific as normal but I do have a few to offer up to entertain my Continue reading →
The Day I Dreaded Arrived on August 30, 2018
I knew the day was coming. Just not when. August 30, 2018 My mom did not know who I was. It’s been a very long couple of weeks for my family but the purpose of this blog post is not to make my readers feel Continue reading →
The JAX Weekend – Heavy on Pictures – Super Heavy on Pet Pictures
Meet Diego and Fajita my grand kitties. They are wonderful fluff balls of love. But what are they looking at? Meet Penny aka Lady Penelope the Corgi – my grand puppy and bundle of activity which explains why the cats are on the mantle. Diego Continue reading →
A Journey through Dementia with My Mom
My mom has dementia. Last week I was able to spend some really nice time with my mom and it was just what I needed. I also think it was what she needed. I have shared with my readers previously that my mom is in Continue reading →
99.4 % European with a Dash of Sub-Saharan African
I am 99.4 % European in case anyone wanted to know. 36.1 % German and 24.4 % English with a few other things thrown in to balance me out. It is so easy to find out things these days – all you need to do Continue reading →
Cats, Graduation, Mini Bundt Cakes and Mother’s Day Celebrations
Last weekend was a spectacular weekend in so many ways and I had to share a bit with my readers just because. I figure if you read the sad posts like the letter to my mom you deserve to read a happier post. By the way, Continue reading →
A Letter to My Mother – You Will Always be Loved
Dear Mother, Is it weird I call you Mother? I used to call you Mommy when I was little but somewhere along the way I guess I figured that that was not cool for a teenager and so I started to call you Mother just Continue reading →
Sea, Sand, Food and Family = Perfect Birthday Celebration
There are a few things that make the perfect day for me. Spending time with my family and friends. Being at the beach. Sunshine and clear skies. Good food. When all of these converge into one single day you can imagine that my day is Continue reading →
12:15 AM —- 4.23.1985
It was a really long day. I was young, excited and if truth be known a little scared. Maybe a lot scared. The delivery did not go as planned, labor did not progress well, drugs were administered and the baby got a little stuck. But Continue reading →