Today is my mom’s 91st birthday. Due to Covid-19 I can not be with her and it stinks. There. I said it. I am not happy about not being able to be with her as you all well know. But it is where we are Continue reading →
Birthday Traditions
My mom spoiled me for birthdays. She always made a big deal out of them growing up and I know I have shared that before. Growing up in a family with 4 kids we did not get a big party every year but instead every Continue reading →
Kindness Pandemic
A kindness pandemic is a good kind of pandemic to have. It has been one crazy year in 2020 but everywhere I am able to see the kindness that people are sharing with one another. Whether it is donating to a fundraiser for school supplies, Continue reading →
A Buffalo Named Custer
I was looking at some old blog posts and found this one I wrote 9 years ago. Many of my readers today are not long time readers so because it made me giggle a little bit I thought I would re-post it with a few Continue reading →
23 Pounds Lighter
My last hair appointment was March 23rd. With shorter hair I usually go every 6 weeks for a cut and highlights to cover my gray. Two days after I visited Hailey at Bliss — salons were closed. I knew it would be awhile until I Continue reading →
Sometimes You Just Need a Big Ole Bowl of Chex Mix
Chex Mix. Party Mix. Whatever you call it it is sometimes the answer to what ails me and this past week it was. I ordered all my missing ingredients on Amazon (gotta love how many Amazon boxes I have recycled since March) and before long Continue reading →
Strange Ways to Injure Oneself
I make no bones about it. Never have and never will. I am a grade A, gold medal winning klutz. From my earliest days to the present —calamity follows me around like a plague. It is just part of my charming persona. My mom used Continue reading →
Treasures From the Attic
Treasures from the attic is a bit of a stretch but it made a better title than Treasures From the Space Over the Garage. Last summer I got together with my siblings at my brother Chris’ house in Ashland, Ohio and we went through some Continue reading →
Choose Happy
The above sign is in the little “apartment” that we have over our garage. I retreated there the other day while Chris was on business calls and I wanted to read. As I sat on the couch I looked at that little sign that I Continue reading →
Things That Make You Go Hmmm
Sometimes things happen in life that make you go hmmmmm. You know what I am talking about. Things that seem a little off or odd. Things that are a bit out of place. Things that just don’t make sense at the time. Last week when Continue reading →