If you are an apple lover this is the time of year that you love. Especially if you live in our area. Hendersonville, North Carolina is “apple central” and since it is just a hop, skip and a jump from us we took advantage of Continue reading →
Jump Off Rock, Laurel Park, North Carolina
Chris and I are always looking for new places and adventures are always waiting for us just around the corner. Recently we had a bit of an adventure when we found a new to us place not too far from our home in Brevard. We Continue reading →
Mr. Diamond Gets a Ride
Many of my readers know that I call my husband, Chris, Mr. Diamond. That name has lovingly been bestowed upon him since he acquired Diamond status with Delta airlines due to his work travel. Of course it does not end there as he has similar Continue reading →
Dear Bahamas – We Are Thinking of You
2011 found our family of 4 making a trip to the Bahamas over Thanksgiving. We had had a pretty tough year with the death of Chris’s dad earlier and we just needed some fun time together as a family. A trip to the Bahamas was Continue reading →
A Walk Through the Conservatory
The Conservatory at the Biltmore is one of our favorite places to visit on the estate. Who am I kidding? All aspects of the Biltmore are wonderful but there is just something about seeing all of the loveliness that the Conservatory holds that makes my Continue reading →
Waterfall Wednesday – Bass Pond Falls
Bass Pond Falls is not one of my normal waterfall posts but I figured it would work today. This waterfall is located on the Biltmore Estate property and we always say on our way out of the estate “We need to stop and walk to Continue reading →
A Quick Look at the Biltmore Gardens Railway
One of the best things about being a Biltmore passholder is the ability to pop over to the estate any time we want to. We did just that this past weekend to view the special exhibit that is in the Conservancy through September 29th. I Continue reading →
The Bears by the Side of the Road
Living in the mountains of North Carolina is pretty wonderful almost all of the time. We often remark that we feel like we live in a national park and quite honestly I can’t imagine living anywhere else right now. We love our little mountain home Continue reading →
America’s Oldest Independently Owned Bookstore – Otto Bookstore
If you know me you know of my love of everything books. I adore books. Always have. Always will. Imagine my excitement when I discovered that America’s Oldest Independently Owned Bookstore was just a couple blocks away from my hotel and I had a totally Continue reading →
Williamsport, PA – Birthplace of Little League Baseball
Little League Baseball is a big deal in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Such a big deal that it is touted as the birthplace of Little League Baseball. Statues of baseball players adorn the street corners and the weekend I was staying downtown I realized that this place Continue reading →