So Aaron is fine—after spending the entire morning in the ER he is back home and fine. Tired but fine. No conclusive results but either he had a nasty gastro related thing or a kidney stone. My suspicion is the kidney stone. I am glad he went in—he has been basically on his own and I think the whole passing out while he was home alone kind of scared him so I am glad he went and got all checked out. I am grateful he is okay and hope that it doesn’t happen again!
Also grateful that my suitcase finally showed up today. It looks like it had a party on the way home—my brand new suitcase has rips on the back that go all the way through the outside and the inside lining but all was fine inside so I am grateful for that! Silly how I get attached to the things I had in there!!! But hey—it was my favorite stuff!!! I am filing a report with NorthWest but I don’t expect to get anything out of it but at least I can vent!!!
Finally a beautiful day here in Mason City–bright and sunny and beautiful! Makes you feel like actually doing something when it is nice outside!