I thought it was about time to do an update post on my Little Free Library here on the blog. I add updates and pictures frequently on the Facebook page dedicated to the cute little library that my friend Rod built for me. I would love to add a few more followers so click here and “like” the page if you would like.
The Grand Opening for Little Free Library #51049 located at The Whistlestop Market was held on April 4, 2017. 4 months in and I am still as excited about the library as I was when it first went into the ground.
When I started it I had great intentions of keeping a spread sheet of the books that went in and out. That went by the wayside by the end of month one. It’s just too difficult. And not really the purpose. The purpose is to share books and sharing is exactly what is going on.
I have had some wonderful donations from friends, families and strangers as well. Boxes of books arrive at my house and I rip into the boxes with glee. The AAUW Book Sale was an amazing source of great books that have been rotating in and out of my library.

I love how my library is being encased with flowers.
I have a bag of books that I carry in my car to restock and to use to help stock other Little Free Libraries that I find on my travels. It is always full of great books and I love being able to have so many different options to share with others.

Okay–so maybe I have two huge bags on the floor, another smaller bag someone just gave me and random books scattered on my backseat.
It has been interesting to see what has been popular in the library. My observations have been that my children’s books are slow movers but the number going out of the library has picked up in the last month. Non fiction books are the favorites –whenever I put a cookbook, landscaping book, gardening or any how to book in the library it gets picked out fairly quickly. Memoirs and biographies are favorites as well. The books that “I” think will be taken right away linger sometimes. My readers don’t necessarily read what I read. Isn’t that a great thing? We all love something different.
I put a copy of a contemporary women’s fiction book in the library as a Blind Date with a Book and it hung around a few days. One person actually unwrapped the book to take a sneak peek at the title and put it back. I don’t think they got the whole idea of the blind date but it was rewrapped and taken a few days later. I definitely will try that again.
So how many books have been taken? That is a really difficult question to answer. I would guess 75 have cycled out at the very least. I have had so many donations placed in the library and given to me and my supply is still large but definitely much smaller than it was originally. It’s a good thing.
I am in a holding pattern with putting up another one. You might recall I rescued some literature boxes to use for Little Free Libraries (you can read that post here).
I have to get through this wedding and some other travel and then figure out where it can be placed. Two of the boxes made their way to Ohio where they will be used there so I still have two I can put someplace around here. I will keep you posted.
But for today–a huge thank you to all who have helped contribute books and encouragement. I truly appreciate it.
If you could put one book in my Little Free Library what would it be? I would love to read your answers so leave a comment and remember that each comment means a 50 cent donation to the Grin Kids this month.

Love it when folks take time to sign the guest book.